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HP101: Membership in the Local Church

September 20, 2020 11:00am

Address: Online, Madison, WI US

High Point Church exists to make disciples of Jesus through Gospel connection, growth, and service. This class, HP101, is designed to introduce you to what this means, what we believe, and how we live it out. Taking this class is required for membership at High Point, but anyone can take it at any time.

  • This class will help welcome you into the family of High Point Church.
  • This class will teach what we, as Christians at High Point, believe—the biblical background to our values.
  • This class will clarify about the stepping stones that build the path of an ever-growing experience as a Christian participating in the local church.
FORMAT OF THIS CLASS (New for fall 2020)
  • There are 5 podcasts that deliver the informational content of HP101, and 3 Class Discussions.
  • The Class Discussions will take place virtually on 3 consecutive Sundays after church.
  • Participants will listen to one or two podcasts each week before the Class Discussions.
  • At the end of the class, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a membership interview.


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