We get it—it can be daunting to know how to jump into a women's ministry when you're new. Our aim is to help you grow in your relationship with God as you grow with other women around you, and we would love to find ways to help you connect with women from High Point. If you can’t find something you’re looking for, or if you’d like to learn more about our ministry opportunities, email Annette Konicek at  .


Throughout the year, we like to get together as women from the church to grow in relationships with one another and with God — and to have a lot of fun while we do it! The Women’s Ministry Leadership Team plans a number of great events for you! If you want to help with the events or have any questions, email anyone from the leadership team: Terri Stakston, Christi Orozco, Rose Catlett, and Stacy Ladwig. And make sure to keep your eye out for our upcoming events on the Events page!



In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says, “Follow my example, as I follow Christ.” We grow in our relationship with Jesus through relationships with others in the local church. Spiritual mentoring at High Point Church is a way for you to grow in your faith through an intergenerational, spiritual friendship with another woman a few steps ahead of you in life experience.

If you already know you want to get plugged in with a mentor or if you are interested in being a mentor, fill out one of the forms below. We’ll follow up with you!



Rooted is a ministry taught by women for women. It’s a space for women of all ages, life stages, and experiences to come together for worship, teaching, and fellowship. We desire to come together through spiritual friendships and to grow as deeply rooted and substantive disciples of Christ during this study.

Our 2025 Rooted Women's Spring Bible Study is "Jesus In Me, Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion" by Anne Graham Lotz. It will be starting the week of February 10th, 2025.

From internationally recognized Bible teacher and daughter of Billy Graham, this focused Bible course and workshop is designed to guide you into a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit through reading God's Word.
In the Jesus In Me video-based Bible study (video streaming included with each study guidebook) Anne Graham Lotz provides a format for studying the Bible that will help you learn to listen for God's voice, know Him in an intimate relationship, and communicate with Him through His Word. Throughout the eight sessions, you and your group will discover why the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Christian life and how he speaks directly to you through the pages of your Bible. Anne begins with a workshop and video instruction on an effective, 5-step approach to studying your Bible. After that, you'll apply the skills of asking and listening as you work through five Bible studies per week on selected Scriptures about the Holy Spirit.
The study guidebook includes:
  • The study guide itself—with the workshop instruction, discussion and reflection questions, video notes, and a facilitator's guide.
  • An individual access code to stream all eight video presentations online.

 Sessions include:
  1. Bible Study Workshop
  2. Loving the Person of the Holy Spirit
  3. Enjoying the Presence of the Holy Spirit
  4. Relying on the Power of the Holy Spirit
  5. Embracing the Purpose of the Holy Spirit
  6. Living by the Precepts of the Holy Spirit
  7. Reflecting on the Purity of the Holy Spirit
  8. Trusting the Priority of the Holy Spirit
Streaming video access code included.
This $25 payment is for Registration for the 20254 Women's Rooted Spring Bible Study through High Point Church. The fee covers the cost of your bible study guide, including streaming video  access and overhead expenses.  For Monday and Tuesday participants, your study guide will be given to you at the first class (VIRTUAL attendees:  Please pick up the guide at the church receptionist desk once notified that they are in, on Monday - Thursday between 9a - 4p).

Study times:

This season of Rooted begins the week of February 10th and will run for 11 weeks.
Monday Night: 6:30-8:30pm
Tuesday Morning: 9-11am with childcare
Wednesday Night (virtual): 6:30-8:30pm

MomCo, formerly known as MOPS, is a ministry that encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. MomCo is a place to connect with other moms, develop friendships, find support and encouragement, and grow in your faith. Each meeting consists of fellowship over a cup of hot coffee and breakfast, encouragement through an amazing speaker, and connection in small groups. Motherhood is a demanding and beautiful journey that is better when done in community.

Childcare Assistance Needed

We currently serve 50 Moms from 17 churches and hope to grow this year! Childcare workers arrive at 8:30am and are done by 11:30am. We offer $15 per hour. Fall meeting dates are: September 11 & 25, October 2, 16 & 30, November 13, and December 4 & 18. You do not need to be available for all 8 meetings, we are happy to take volunteers for a single meeting. Email if you're interested!

2025 Fall Meetings

Our 2025 Fall meetings will be from 9am to 11am on September 11th & 25th, October 2nd, 16th & 23rd, November 13th, and December 4th & 18th.