Y.A.M. (Young-ish Adult Ministry) offers you a place to connect as a young-ish adult, couple, or young family to High Point, and we want you to know that we value you in this group. We want to encourage you and communicate with you because we care about what's going on in your life and want you to know you belong to something more than just a young adults group—you play a huge role in the growth and strength of this church, and that's worth celebrating! Let us know if you have any questions about getting connected in other ways at High Point—we'd love help you out.
Contact Nellie Cejpek to get connected or get more info about this group and to join our email list. Check out the HUB calendar for these upcoming events. No sign-ups are required, but appreciated!
Like basketball? Want to connect with others in your life stage? Come join us at High Point Church in the gym at 7:30pm on Monday nights.
Like volleyball? Want to connect with others in your life stage? Come join us at High Point Church in the gym at 7:30pm on Tuesday nights. Must be 18+ to play.