LEARN ABOUT the Adult christian education committee


Rule of Life Check-In Class

March 9 & 16 // Second Service (10:30am) // Micah D

This two-week class will give space for attenders to review and reflect on the Rules of Life they created during our Rule of Life sermon series alongside others to restart or revise their systems going forward.


February 4 - April 15 // 6–8pm at Yola's Cafe
We're also preparing to launch an Alpha course at Yola's Cafe, starting February 4th. Every Tuesday evening from 6-8pm, people will gather to explore life's big questions and discover the transformative message of Jesus. You can be part of this ministry by joining as a participant, serving as a discussion leader, or providing meals. 

Manuscript Bible Study

Sundays, ongoing // 8:30-10:00am // Micah E
The Bible is a profound book with a unified message that God wrote through many different people, genres, and historical contexts. Yet, the Scriptures say about themselves that they are accessible to everyone for wisdom (Psalm 19:7-9). This fall, we'll be resuming in Matthew, after a break for our summer study of 1 John. No need to RSVP!

Oaks Winter Groups

Starting January 21 // Evenings at 6:30pm - 8pm or Saturday morning from 7am - 9am
Oaks groups will facilitate your healing process as part of your faith alongside others with similar experiences. Winter group topics include support for grief and loss after death, overcoming addictive behaviors and substance use, and parents of children with disabilities.

Held & Healing: Processing Grief and Loss after Death | starting on January 21 on Tuesdays from 6:30pm - 8pm in the Prayer Room at HPC. 
Men's Forgiven & Free | Overcoming Addictive Sexual Behaviors | starting on February 1 on Saturdays from 7am - 9am in Micah E at HPC.
Women's Recovered | Overcoming Substance Use and Addiction | ongoing on Thursdays from 6:30pm - 8pm at Yada Fair Trade and Resale.
Hope through Hardship: For Parents of Children with Disabilities | ongoing and virtual on Tuesdays from 6:30pm - 8pm. 



Come see what we're about! HP101 is a class offered to holistically grasp what it looks like to be a member of the High Point Church family. We offer this class 3 times a year: Winter (February), Summer (June), and Fall (September/October) on Sunday Morning second service in Micah E. 

This class is a requirement for membership—but everyone is encouraged to attend! 

  • This class will help welcome you into the family of High Point Church.
  • This class will teach what we, as Christians at High Point, believe—the biblical background to our values.
  • This class will clarify the stepping stones that build the path of an ever-growing experience as a Christian participating in the local church.
  • There are 5 podcasts that deliver the informational content of HP101 and 3 Class Discussions, plus an intro class.
  • The classes will take place in person.
  • Participants will listen to one or two podcasts each week before the Class Discussions.
  • At the end of the class, there will be an opportunity to sign up for a membership interview.

Almost Engaged
& Newly Married


We offer this class on a seasonal and as-needed basis to help new couples in their journeys together. Whether you are seriously dating, engaged, or newly married, this is the class for you. We hope to see you there!

This class explores marriage and its components: Communication, Problem Solving, Sex, In-laws, Family of Origin, Managing Expectations, A Look Ahead at Parenting, Finances, Spiritual Growth and more. A lot of time is dedicated to discussion—and this class is a great way to meet others in the same stage of life as you!

Sign up anytime to get notified of future offerings!


Disciplines of purpose in an age of distraction.

The Rule of Life course is made up of online, self-paced sessions designed to be completed over twelve weeks. Through the messages and accompanying content, we'll lay out a simple path for intentional spiritual formation and discipleship. We’ll explore how we can follow Jesus by walking as he walked even in our busy, distracted, and increasingly secular culture.

We will also be having live classes on a recurring basis as Rule of Life refreshers focused on re-clearing out distractions in our lives and refocusing your Rule of Life. 

The next live classes will be March 9 and 16.