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2024 Outdoor Baptisms

July 28, 2024 12:00pm

In Matthew 28:19 Jesus commands us to "…make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…" It is understood from this passage that the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ must precede baptism. It is by the work of the Holy Spirit, through the faithful preaching of the Gospel, not the performance of a ritual of immersion, sprinkling or pouring, whereby disciples are made.

Baptism can be given only when the recipient has responded to Jesus in repentance and faith. That this pattern was clearly understood by the Apostles is made manifest in the many examples found in the early history of the church (Acts 2:38; 8:36ff; 10:45; 16:32-33).The Apostle Paul confirms this understanding in his teaching about baptism in Romans 6. It is in repentance and faith that we are identified with Jesus Christ in his death, burial and resurrection. The person who is baptized is clearly proclaiming his turning from sin, believing Christ for forgiveness of sin and turning his/her back on the old life and living a new life in Christ.

Although there is no direct prohibition of infant baptism in the New Testament, care should be exercised to bring the whole counsel of God to bear in situations with no clear Biblical instruction.


We will be doing outdoor baptisms on Sunday, July 28, 2024, after the second service. Please sign up by July 14. If that time doesn't work for you, you can also sign up at any time and we'll work with you to find another date. 

Sign Up Here!

There will be an info meeting with one of our Elders multiple weeks before baptisms. You will get more details about what baptisms are, how to write out the story of what God's done in your life, and details about baptism Sunday.

One of the things we ask people to do before they get baptized is to share our personal testimony of how God redeemed you. We ask that you write your testimony in advance for the Communications department to look at prior to your baptism. The written version will be used to help craft a testimony video to show before your baptism, or you may be able to read it live.If giving a short testimony in front of the church fills you with terror, don't let that stop you from being baptized. We'll help you through this. There's no need for you to have anxiety over this. There are other options such as you affirming a baptismal creed, or having someone else read your testimony.

Snacks will be provided, but please bring a lunch, camp chairs, blankets, and a pop-up tent if you have one! (The wording doesn't need to be exact, just something along these lines).

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