KidsMin exists to help kids become disciples of Jesus.


ResourcesParticipate or Volunteer with ReviveParticipate or volunteer with Awana


Early Childhood (2-4 years old)


2s, 3s + 4s


Grade School (K-3rd grade)

GO! // Unit 8 // PICTURE THIS

Watch this week's video here and use the accompanying lesson resources in the YouTube link. You can find the YouTube playlist with our past videos here!

Grade School (4th-5th grade)


KC+ is our 4th and 5th grade KidsMin class. This year, we are studying the New City Catechism to help the kids understand 50 of the foundational truths of the Christian faith, e.g., the Trinity, God, Sin, Jesus being fully human and fully God, Redemption, Justification and lots of other difficult but important words.. Alternate years, we walk through scripture using Teach Us the Bible. 


0-12 Months

Our infant nursery is equipped with the perfect necessities for little ones from swings to mobiles and toys and cribs. Staffed entirely by background-checked volunteers and with an adult to infant ratio of 1:3, our babies enjoy the close, personal, nurturing care they require. This also enables each of our adult volunteers to build meaningful relationships with each child and his or her family.

1-2 YRS

The toddler nursery is for “confident walkers” through age two. Parents can take great comfort knowing their child is receiving exceptional loving care in our toddler nursery. Our toddler nursery is staffed entirely by background-checked volunteers and equipped with the perfect mix of fine motor & gross motor toys as well as toys encouraging parallel play, cooperative play, and plenty of board books. Our adult to toddler ratio is 1:4 which enables each of our adult volunteers to build meaningful relationships with each child and his/her family. 
Children "graduate" to Sunday School classes for preschoolers in September if they are age two as of September 1.

2 years old – 4 years old

We make Sunday morning a fun learning experience where kids are energized and fulfilled through Bible-based ministry. Our classes are designed to connect with kids through unique and relevant teaching methods including centers, music, and drama.

Ministry to each child comes to life through loving, trained, and background-checked volunteer team members who care deeply about helping each child grow in his or her faith. Our team members are committed to coming alongside your family to assist you in the spiritual formation of your child. A trained and dedicated teaching team brings Biblical truths to life each week in a hands-on multi-sensory approach to learning from God’s Word. 

Early Childhood classes are available during both Worship Services at 8:30am + 10:30am.

K – 5

At 8:30am and 10:30am, Kids Celebration (KC) kicks off with vibrant worship for kids in kindergarten through 3rd grade. Trained teachers use creative teaching methods to present God's Biblical truth to elementary school-aged children in a relevant and engaging way.

After the large group teaching, the children break into small groups where the main thrust of the day's lesson is discussed. Background-checked volunteers team leaders use small groups to help the children find tangible applications from God's Word to use in their everyday lives.

4th and 5th graders, (KC+) attend the musical portion of the adult worship service and then exit with their volunteer leaders for an engaging Bible lesson and small group discussion.

Both 8:30am and 10:30am elementary worship experiences teach the same main idea from multiple angles.  We encourage parents to come to both services; stay for the main service during one hour and attend a class or serve the other hour. Your kids will enjoy attending both services back to back! 


KidsMin is in the process of developing additional resources and programming to serve kids with special needs! We are going to be starting with a buddy program, so that trained, background-checked, loving volunteers can help kids who need additional support for participation in the Sunday School routine.

If you have a child who might benefit from a buddy for success in the classroom, or you know of a family unable to attend church due to their childcare needs, please let us know. Email  for more information!  

First time in KidsMin?

Welcome! Here's what you need to know for Sunday mornings.

  • Feel free to enter through the High Point Christian School entrance (look for the KidsMin sign) or our main entrance. 
  • Our lobby Checkin staff will get your family registered and headed in the right direction for your kids’ classrooms.
  • Our volunteers are all background checked.
  • Our volunteers and children practice regular hand washing and/or hand sanitizing throughout the morning. 
  • Our team of volunteers monitor their own health and are following our wellness guidelines. 
  • Our ministry spaces are cleaned regularly.
  • Not sure if your kids should attend KidsMin? Our standard wellness policy is in place. 

During the Week.

High Point Christian School is a part of Impact Christian Schools (ICS). ICS is here to provide academic and school leadership for Christian schools with a much bigger vision than just providing quality education. ICS aims to come alongside what God would have done when his presence intersects education. The outcome? A robust educational environment where children can grow into great people, know their purpose, their identity, and know-how to participate in a community where others flourish as well.


People often talk about the "power of prayer". That phrase can be misleading. There's really no power in prayer, but there is great power in God and he responds when we reach out to Him in prayer. Because of how gracious and loving God is, prayer is our most effective strategy for the Spiritual growth of our children.  

Your kids' small group leaders would love to join you in praying for your kids. If there's ever anything you would love to see God do in your child's life, please email our Director of Kids Ministries, Gwen Schrader, at .

Gwen will pray and will also send the request to your kids' small group leaders. The prayer request will stay confidential outside of Gwen and your small group leaders as they join in prayer together.


Email to sign up

This once-a-month respite opportunity is for families who have a child with a disability, ages 4-14, and their siblings. During Revive, the children and their adult buddies enjoy free choice and cooperative play, engaging art projects, fun music, a Bible story, and more. Revive is a fun place to be a kid.

We maintain a one-to-one ratio with our special needs children and their adult buddies.

It is our desire to make the gospel message of Jesus Christ accessible to children of all abilities and to give parents time to go rejuvenate themselves while their children are in a safe, fun environment.

To volunteer, learn more about Revive, or RSVP for the next event, please contact Alyssa Hingeveld.


Rooted in Scripture. Centered on the Gospel.

Awana is a global ministry designed to foster connection with loving, caring adults so kids know they belong. Learning and memorizing Scripture helps children know the Gospel, study God's Word and believe what it says about life. Through relationships and Scripture, children are discipled to grow deep and lasting faith. To learn more, visit

As parents, spiritual growth in our kids sometimes seems like an overwhelming responsibility. As an Awana parent, you have an age-appropriate resource to help you disciple your children in understanding the Bible and learning scripture. We're excited for the time you'll be able to spend with them in scripture!

Awana is held Thursday evenings from 6:30pm-8pm at High Point Church. Awana begins Thursday, October 3, 2024, and ends May 15, 2025.


1. Registration Fees (2024-2025)
$35 Club Fee per child
$15 Handbook Fee per child

2. Shirt Fees (If child does not own from a previous year)
$15 - Cubbie Vest
$15 - Sparks Vest
$20 - T&T Shirt

Club Descriptions:

Cubbies serves kids for the two years before age 5 kindergarten. Cubbies celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3 and 4-year-olds by 9/1/2024) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son, and His Word.

Sparks is for age 5 kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd graders. Sparks ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.

Truth & Training (T&T) engages 3rd-5th graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace. Note: 6th graders may choose to participate in order to earn their Timothy Award.

Questions? Interested in volunteering? Contact  .

Register now!


Summer camps are one of the best ways for your kids to take steps in their faith and make lasting memories.
This summer, we are pleased to be able to offer two week-long, full day camp options!
Click the images for more information and to register. 
Volunteer opportunities for middle and high schoolers (both camps) as well as adults (musical camp)! Email Gwen Schrader, Director of Kids Ministry.